
Save yourself time & your company costs

We help Fortune 500 companies and Small Medium Enterprises save hundreds of hours of time and thousands in costs with our 30+ threat scenarios and 15+ systems. Want to know how can help you? Check out below!
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Trusted by Fortune 500 companies & Small Medium Enterprises

Here's what our clients have to say about us

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“Providing excellent thought leadership, guidance, and actionability for any organisation looking to improve its cyber strategy. Venation has to be considered a pioneer in the Cyber Threat Intelligence industry.”

Sophie Preisendoerfer

Head of CTI, SWIFT

“No one organisation's threat landscape and attack surface is the same. Venation empowers CTI pro's to create and innovate with the scenarios and data. It’s very impressive.”

Martyn Gill

Entrepreneur & CTI Professional

Would you like to hear more examples from our happy customers? Our clients are happy to share their story of success with you directly.

Gert-Jan Bruggink

Founder & CEO, Venation

For Risk Management

Venation enhances Risk Management through Scenario-based Defense.

Venation approaches Risk Management from a scenario perspective. Our primary product, a scenario intelligence subscription, offers a comprehensive repository of expertly crafted and curated threat scenarios. These scenarios provide a holistic view of current and emerging threats and attack vectors, supporting a modular approach to risk management.

For Regulatory Compliance

If it’s not in-the-box, we think out-the-box

Regulation & Compliance frameworks like NIS2, DORA, and TIBER-EU should be considered more than just a requirement, we believe its an opportunity to strengthen your organization’s operational resilience through proactive, threat-led, risk management. You will need on-demand timely, accurate and actionable decision-support information. We support decision-makers across the globe by tailoring our threat scenarios to their specific company and in the format of their choosing.

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For Intelligence-Led Attack Path Management

The most compelling digital risk management experience possible.

Venation’s Intelligence-Led Attack Path Management offers a differentiating solution for organizations seeking to optimize their risk management while meeting regulatory requirements such as TIBER-EU and DORA. Whether you're a highly mature organization or a service provider aiming to enhance your offerings, our approach is designed to give you a competitive edge. Venation integrates seamlessly and offers long-term, cost-effective campaign planning, ensuring that the risk management strategy is not only compliant but also highly resilient.

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